Mixed Breeds Welcome in Obedience, Rally & Canine Good Citizen Tests
$15 first entry/$10 additional
entry/$2 Jr Showmanship entry
Ribbons for 1st - 4th place in each class
Rosettes for 1st - 4th place in each group
Large Rosettes for Best Puppy, Best Adult, Best
Veteran, Best Junior, HIT
AKC Responsible Dog
Ownership Day
Information about various dog breeds, dog care, dog activities & training
CONFORMATION Classes divided by sex: 3-6 mo, 6-9 mo, 9-12 mo, 12-18 mo, open & veteran
For these groups: Sporting, NonSporting, Herding & Hounds & Junior Showmanship Entries taken at 8:30-9:30 AM & Judging begins at 10:00 AM
For these groups: Terriers, Working, Toy & All Miscellaneous, FSS & Rare Breeds Entries taken at 11:30 AM-12:30 PM & Judging begins at 1:00 PM
OBEDIENCE Beginner Novice, Novice, Open & Utility Entries taken at 8:30-9:30 AM Judging begins at 10:00 AM
RALLY Novice, Advanced & Excellent Entries taken at 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Judging begins at 1:00 PM
CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TESTING ($20) Enter by 12:30 PM Testing starts at 1:00 PM
Check out the Raffle & Meet the Breeds
Online Entries close at noon on Thursday, October 2, 2019 https://form.jotform.com/72350338784158
Match Secretary: Mary Ann Sward maryannsward@msn.com 541-760-1307 (call/text) www.chintiminikennelclub.com