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Top 2016 OHS Volunteers Honored

René Pizzo of Oregon City gave more than 400 hours of volunteer time to help pets in 2016, winning her the OHS Volunteer of the Year Award.

OHS volunteers help in myriad ways — walking dogs, rescuing and re-homing pets, assisting shelter veterinarians, and more. Last year, more than 4,000 people contributed their time and talents to helping the animals at OHS.

“We would need 118 additional full-time employees to equal the amount of time contributed by our volunteers last year,” says Sharon Harmon, OHS Executive Director. “The compassion and commitment of OHS volunteers is truly something to bark about!”

During a ceremony in March, OHS presented awards to volunteers and one staff member (chosen by the volunteers) in 23 categories. Harmon presented the Volunteer of the Year Award to Pizzo, a Lifetime Achievement Award to Teresa Leap, and the Volunteer’s Choice Award to Denise Kinstetter. The End Petlessness Award went to Carol Christensen.  To learn more about all of the 2016 award-winning volunteers, visit