Posts in People in Neighborhood
Meet Mitch!

Like most young adults, Mitch Elliott had a list of things he wanted to do when he finally moved out of his parents' house in Atlanta and into his own place.   Top of that list?

"I'm getting a dog!" he remembers telling his folks all those years ago. 

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Meet Amy!

If you were to describe Amy Johnson in one word, it would be FUN.

Born and raised in Portland, “just about a mile from where our offices are now,” Amy, along with partner Vanessa Wright, has in three years transformed a once severely ailing event into one of the top three award-winning annual pet events in Portland. 

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Meet Dr. Heidi!

Steve, a golden-auburn rescue Greyhound, had never donated blood before.  He’d never before been to the VCA-NWVS Critical Care Blood Bank.  He didn’t know he was a model blood donor dog — 1-6 years old, over 50 pounds, calm demeanor, and, had he been female, never bred.  All Steve knew was that he was in a small room with four people, three of whom were strangers, and it seemed something was going down.  It is said that Greyhounds have a “dignified sense of duty.”  Steve seemed to know that his job was to relax and place his trust in Dr. Heidi Houchen.  

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Meet Rojo the Llama!

This week Spot was fortunate to spend time with one of the most well-known and beloved celebrities in town.  Nope, not Portland Trailblazer Marcus Aldridge . . . not the lady who does the mattress commercials . . . not even the bagpipe-playing unicycle-riding fella himself.  Nope, better than all that, we were able to hang out with the Number One-ranked therapy llama in the whole entire United States of America:  Rojo the Llama. 

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Meet Kevin / Poison!

Climbing the steps to the tidy bungalow in NE Portland that is home to Poison Waters and Kevin Cook, I wondered exactly which of the two I would interview this day for Spot Magazine.  Would it be the loud, hilarious, often brash Waters herself — known to many as the most glamorous drag queen in Portland — or would I be with Kevin Cook, activist, advocate and popular host/emcee known for his talents with humor, a mic, and an audience. 

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Here's Ann!

Venturing out in the recent freezing temperatures Spot Magazine caught up with veteran sportscaster Ann Schatz in the warm wood-hued living room of her NE Portland home. Twenty-year locals, especially those tuned into sports, know well the gravel-voiced Schatz, who in 1989 became the first female sportscaster in Portland television history when she was hired by KOIN. 

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Here's Byron!

On a recent mercurial Portland weather afternoon I met up with the handsomely bearded Byron Beck, Portland’s best-known media gadfly, at the outdoor seating area of North Portland’s brand new up-scale convenience door Green Zebra. Why this location? Because, “It’s in the neighborhood” smiles Beck, referencing this series,

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