The Greyhound

Matchmaker, Matchmaker


Trademark:  Greyhounds have been bred and used for racing because of their long, powerful legs, deep chest, and slight body, which allow them to reach speeds of up to 45 mph!

Personality: Known for their speed and grace, Greyhounds are also sweet and mild-natured.  They are laid back, gentle and intelligent, and often become deeply attached to one person. Adoptable Greyhounds are often retired racers.

Preferences: Not distance runners, Greyhounds are sprinters with short bursts of energy, and they sleep much of the time. They enjoy daily walks are generally laid back. For their own safety they should run in fenced areas or on leash only; they’ve been bred to chase moving objects.

Size: 50-85 lbs. 

Life expectancy: 12-14 years.

Common Health Problems: Typically a very healthy breed, hereditary illness is rare. They are prone to bloat, however, so don’t run them for about 45 minutes before and especially after a meal. They can also injure the tips of their tails by wagging against hard objects.

Best Match: This breed should live indoors as they don’t have enough body fat to keep them warm for long periods outdoors. They typically have no problem adjusting to being retired athletes, but like all canines prefer structure and a routine.

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Featured Rescue: Homes for Hounds, based out of Waldport, Oregon, places Greyhounds in forever homes throughout Oregon and Washington. Cee Cee is a 7-year-old female currently available. She’s a kennel favorite, and is cat and small animal safe and toddler friendly. What a sweetie! Visit to learn more about CeeCee and other adoptable Greyhounds.

Greyhound Tip:  If you’re considering adopting a retired racer Greyhound, organizations like Homes for Hounds have a great support structure and thorough adoption process, providing great odds for finding your perfect match! 


Megan Mahan lives with visiting foster animals, quite a few fish, and her boyfriend in Eugene, Oregon.  She has a 'day job' in an office, but devotes much of her free time to fostering pets and creative writing.  From her high school gig as Dog Bather to her more recent years working at the Santa Cruz SPCA, where she was contributing editor of the newsletter, Megan has always lived, loved and worked with animals.