Blog Report: Two Special Wires
Everyone loves a happy ending. Two Special Wires ( offers just that. Jake and Fergi are the happily ever after that doesn’t always come to fruition for puppy mill dogs. Both are Wire Fox Terriers whose early years were less than desirable but whose futures are most definitely bright. They were the lucky ones who found a family to love who would love them for the rest of their days.
Living large in the Rocky Mountains, Fergi and Jake experience many adventures. They get to hike and enjoy the amazing scenery in their part of the country. They go on road trips and stay in hotels, and enjoy vanilla ice cream from Dairy Queen (August 12). They’re well traveled, having spent some time on the sunny beaches of Panama City, where they even saw an alligator (July 28)! Needless to say, their mom didn’t stick around to say hello to that native!
Fergi, Jake and their family are blessings to each other. They share special moments in life and have been fortunate enough to overcome some of their fears after having led a more austere life as kennel pups. From trips around the States to laid-back times at home, they’ve had a chance to learn about the good things in life – and to let the bad things go. They even celebrated – in their own unique style – the Royal Wedding in April (28, 2011).
Their mom writes poetically about their adventures and includes tons of pictures. She’s a dedicated blogsphere friend and makes sure to visit others they’ve met on the World Wide Web who’ve shared in their adventures. The Special Wires’ happy ending story includes many experiences, including playing with kids, traveling, supporting rescue efforts and fighting puppy mills, and much more. Join the adventures of these Two Special Wires and make some friends while you’re at it.
Kennedy Morgan is a native Oregonian and freelance writer who shares her home with her two sons, her Great Dane, Vegas; Pomeranian, Leo; Bearded Dragon, Godzilla, and three uber-friendly kitties. In her spare time, she is active in agility clubs and the Portland Great Dane Community. Contact her at