A New Look at an Old Stand-by


If you have a dog, chances are you have a Kong.  If you're like me, you have the red Kong Classic and the black Extreme Kong, which can be one of your handiest toys — even for monster chewers like Labs, Pitbulls and puppies. 

Some people play fetch with them (for which the Classic is great — it stands out in the grass), some like the Kong Aqua for water play and still others say their dog has little interest in Kongs at all.

Well, here's the secret for those who overlook their Kongs — you’ve gotta stuff ‘em!  If you're busy, check out the varieties of Kong Stuff'n that resembles easy cheese, or the new line of goodies such as jerky, sweet potato treats and meat stix.  Other options include plain ground peanuts, sugar-free/nonfat yogurt, or cream cheese.  Freezing a Kong with these fillers extends chewing and fun time for your dog . . . meaning more down time for you.  Make sure to consider your pup’s “Kong calories,” and adjust his or her daily intake if needed to keep things in balance (and his/her waistline trim).


Kong sizes range from Petite to XX-Large, and there are puppy and senior Kongs for all sizes and teeth densities.  Kong also makes lots of other fun products, from Wubbas and Squeezz toys to a line of squeaky tennis balls.

Details KongCompany.com