Rocketdogs and Wildcats


If I could put Spot’s recent months in a bottle and dress it up with a sassy little vanity label, that label would read:  “Rocketdogs and Wildcats.”  What that means is — holy chewbone my friends!  What a ride!

Spot’s website (I’ve always called it “Spot’s House”), has been renovated, with a new design, functionality and depth of resources.  The work’s been underway for some time, and we can’t wait to hear what you think!  We hope you’ll check in often for the latest features, resources, happenings and contests, photos, broadcasts and more. 

In other matters . . . we’ve long had an eye on Seattle as a community that might also enjoy having Spot available locally.  Indeed the need is there, so the first copies have been delivered.  If you’d like coverage of something particular in that area please let us know.  Meantime, we’ll continue to get acquainted with the rescues, retailers and pet-related and –friendly organizations and businesses that will be joining us in the growing community of Spot family friends and businesses.

Oh, here’s a wildcat — Spot’s great friends at Bi-Mart occasionally contribute wonderful product for us to share, and a recent shipment has loaded the cupboards with great prizes.  Check the website for current contests, and see the goodies up for grabs.  A sweet side note:  Bi-Mart’s recent bounty was generous as usual, allowing us to also contribute goods to two deserving shelters.  Bi-Mart has long been a great supporter of animal welfare in the Northwest, and I hope you’ll join me in supporting this outstanding employee-owned business.

And now a lil Rocketdog — you may have noticed the recent addition of videos complementing some of our stories in print.  We’re having fun getting our video chops, but please be patient: our early work is a little low-brow and funky.  Still, we hope you’ll find the videos fun, entertaining and educational.  As always, we welcome and appreciate your suggestions. 

Here’s to a spring season filled with energy, smiles, adventures and new growth.  All of us at Spot treasure the opportunity to serve you, we love the work, and we’d love to hear from you with ideas, suggestions and feedback.

Yours in everything pet,

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