The Complete Care of Baby Animals


The Complete Care of Baby Animals:

Expert Advice on Raising Orphaned, Adopted, or Newly Bought Kittens, Puppies, Foals, Lambs and More; 2nd Edition, Revised and Updated

by C. E. Spaulding, DVM and Jackie Clay

Spring is almost upon us, and along with this beautiful season comes the birth of baby animals.  As a Spot reader you’re surely fond of critters, but would you know what to do if suddenly faced with an orphaned duckling, kitten or doe?  The Complete Care of Baby Animals addresses how to care for them — and more than 30 other young ones, including reptiles — should they happen your way.

This writer is getting two ducklings come spring, and after reading several books on duck care, I found this guide helpful and thorough.  It’s a fun and informative read for animal lovers, whether you’re one who picks up strays, or someone simply interested in learning how to care for various furbabies.