The Scottish Terrier


Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Breed Overview

Size:   small
Grooming:   undemanding
Exercise:     undemanding
Environment:   an apartment will do, with sufficient exercise
Temperament:  brave and friendly

Interesting fact:  The Scottish Terrier has won more “Best in Show” titles at Westminster’s Kennel Club Dog Show than any other breed.  In 2010, Sadie (AKA Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot) was the eighth Scottie to win that title.

Appearance:  This is a neat dog with a sculptured look and tall, erect ears.  The coat is hard, wiry and weather-resistant.  Scotties are commonly black, but can also be brindle, dark grey and wheaton (crème).  The heavy beard sets the Scottie apart from the similar West Highland (Westie) and Cairn Terriers.  The Scottie’s deep frame keeps him close to the ground and he is quite barrel-chested.  This breed has a smooth, regal gait and is powerful for his size.

Personality:  Agile and active, especially for such a short-legged dog.  True to the nature of a Terrier, she is tenacious.  The Scottie will excel in agility and may do well in obedience, but has a mind of her own.  Scotties make good watch dogs and are typically aloof with strangers.

Common Health Problems:  Minor health concerns include flea dermatitis (a flea allergy) and other skin issues.  A hereditary disease concern is Von Willebrand disease, a blood-clotting disorder. 

Best Match :  A patient, active owner is best suited to the Scottie.  They are very charming little dogs, but may have too much energy for a sedentary human partner.  Grooming is needed occasionally. 

Size:      18-22 lbs.      Life Expectancy:    11-13 yrs.



Featured Adoptable:  Neah is a sweet, young Scottish Terrier mix who deserves a great home.  She arrived at Rescue Every Dog in Seattle from a remote animal shelter because she was “very” pregnant.  She birthed her puppies while in foster care, but required emergency veterinary intervention due to complications.  The puppies were too big to deliver naturally, a common result when large male dogs breed with smaller female dogs.  To learn more or to meet Neah, visit