Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know
Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know
by Hy Conrad and Jeff Johnson
Things Your Dog Doesn’t Want You to Know is a collection of short essays from the perspective of various dogs. Jeff Johnson and Hy Conrad (best known for his mystery stories and for co-producing the TV series Monk) reveal through the canine voice some of the great mysteries of dog behavior. Tales such as The Reason I Ate the Sofa by Axelrod the yellow Lab and Why I Chase Cars by Bandana the Border Collie are entertaining and endearing.
Pet parents will certainly see some of their own dogs or cats in these stories, such as when Dimples the Boxer lays out the bed rules (Rule #1: it's my bed), and Tinkerbell, a Chihuahua, explains what it's like to live in a handbag.
The unique perspective of so many dogs keeps this book dynamic, funny, interesting, and a perfect light read for you or the dog lover in your life. Borrowing a quote from Steve Martin: “I laughed, my dog howled.”
This book is due out April 2012; the ISBN # 9781402263286 should make it easy to find. Happy reading!