Blog Report: Meet the Meowers from Missouri
Four felines and a Lab.
This poor pup is outnumbered by the feline contingent! Meet the Meowers from Missouri (; they’re funny, adorable, and relatable. No, really, they are! Read the hilarious (insert eye roll here) story about “A little night music” (May 30, ‘12). Almost every cat owner has experienced something similar at one time or another – those nocturnal instincts can sure kick in at the wrong time!
If you’re visual like me, you’ll enjoy “Toezie Tuesday” (May 22, ‘12), and love the photo “Makin’ air biscuits.” Putting himself in the spotlight doing the dinnertime dance, Nitro almost took out the camera! (Apr. 4, ‘12).
Here’s the kicker: this blog is written in Catspeak. You heard me right – Catspeak. What? You’ve not heard of it? Well, Catspeak is the voice in your cat’s head and finally someone (perhaps Dr. Doolittle is their typist?) has figured it out, so now you can learn Catspeak, too! Want an example? Pop on over to Xing Lu’s report (Feb. 21, ‘12) and see for yourself.
Here’s your random factoid for the day: the Meowers are responsible for bringing “Talk Like a Pirate Day” to all of catdom; check out the last several years of September 9 posts to see what I mean.
Naturally, the pics and video make this blog all the more enjoyable. And a new criterion we’ve found is consistency. How often a blog gets updated is often akin to a good book – you can’t put it down and you’re always looking for more. These Meowers have all that paws down. So what’re you waiting for? Click on over!