Litter Mat by Cats Rule


We've Been Shopping!  Here's what we love...

Cynthia Harvey, a friend of Spot, was so excited to tell us about a product she found in an ad that had a 30-day money-back guarantee.  She said, “What could I lose?”  The product paid off immediately, Cindy.  They had recently installed new carpeting and flooring at their home and office/cat room, and the Litter Mat proved excellent at trapping litter, and it looks great.  Cynthia invited me to visit and check it out personally, so I did.  The mat does look good and work great.  Its design is unique, bringing both beauty and fashion.  A portion of the proceeds are donated to organizations that support no-kill policies for animals.  Learn more at  Learn more about Cynthia and friends in Meet Midget in this month's Reader Spotlight.