Sammy in the Sky
Sammy in the Sky by Barbara Walsh
Paintings by Jamie Wyeth
This is the story of a young girl whose dog, Sammy, the "best hound dog in
the whole wide world," dies.
Told through beautiful watercolors and lyrical prose, the girl's parents focus on sharing special time while Sammy is sick but still with them, and remembering happy memories after his passing. An illustration of the beach where the family takes Sammy to “love him as much as they can,” is stunning, replete with a lightly clouded aqua sky, a gold beach and a frolicking hound chasing seagulls. This and many of the paintings would be a welcome addition to my home.
Sammy's girl is reminiscent of Scout from To
Kill a Mockingbird adds even more charm to the story. This book could
well bring comfort to anyone — adult or child — dealing with the loss of a
beloved pet.