Best Friends offers new sleepovers


Best Friends Animal Society’s sanctuary in Angel Canyon, NV is a popular pilgrimage for many animal lovers, and now there’s a new way visitors can soak up the love of its rescued residents.  Whether staying at a sanctuary cottage or at a nearby pet-friendly hotel, visitors can sleep over with a deserving cat or dog who’ll benefit from the one-on-one time and a break from the shelter.  The arrangement does two important things:  provides the animal snuggle time (and you too while away from your own pack!), as well as revealing valuable insights on how a dog or cat does in a home-like environment away from Cat World or Dogtown at Best Friends.

Anyone who can’t do a sleepover but would still like to spend time with an adoptable, can instead make a date to take a shelter dogs into town, out for lunch, or even on a hike.  Learn more at