Dog Years: Faithful Friends, Then & Now

Dog Years: Faithful Friends, Then & Now by Amanda Jones

Dachshunds Short and Long was Amanda Jones’ third book of portraits, printed in 2005. I have a signed copy. Amanda actually knows my pack, having done two sessions in the past decade. I cherish the photos she’s taken, which adorn the walls of my home.

Jones’ latest book, Dog Years: Faithful Friends, Then & Now, captures dogs’ lifespans and their amazing journeys through photos of her clients’ dogs, spanning from puppyhood to late life.

My favorite images, in two series, are of Amanda’s own dog Lily, a Dachshund — one at three months, the other at 15 years. I have a special place in my heart for this breed, but more than that, these photos tell of a long, happy journey.

Each series of photos in Dog Years includes stories about the dogs and their humans. Some dogs started life in puppy mills, while others were strays that wandered into their human’s lives.  

“Lily was my first dog and we had her for almost 16 years,” says Jones. “She went through so much with us during that time. When she passed away, I knew I had to create a memorial for this special girl, so I pulled out the negatives from past portrait sessions and laid out four of the images in an age-progressive line. The result was an incredible visual narration of her life.  I am so pleased that so many people are enjoying these series of aging dogs!”

More about Amanda Jones at

As a Certified Vet Tech, longtime PR veteran and content marketing expert, Christy Caplan brings her unique understanding of social and digital media to connect dog lovers to brands both on and offline. She lives with three hounds – two Doxies and a Beagle/Basset Hound mix, who constantly teach her about life and companionship.Follow Christy at