Endless Love — tell us your story!
There’s a sweet magic in older pets . . . maybe it’s wisdom, maybe it’s the heart-swelling tale of how s/he escaped a tough life to become the best friend ever! Their eyes may be cloudy, but they shine with love. They may not move as gracefully, but their gait and smile still make you swoon. Simply put, oldsters are such a special blessing!
Spot Magazine’s Oct/Nov issue — “We ♥ Our Oldsters!” — is packed with info, tips and resources to help you and your pet live your best lives during his/her golden years.
Tell us about the love of your life!
Send photo(s) and caption(s) of your senior best friend (with or without people shown), and a little about how wonderful they are.
Not only might your photo appear in Spot Magazine, but you could win a prize!
2 great prizes are waiting to be won — a gorgeous giant-breed/large dog bed/sofa, and a great gift pak for smaller pets.
Send photos, info, and any questions, to info@spotmagazine.net. Please be sure to include the following permission in your message:
“I authorize Spot Magazine to publish the attached photos in an upcoming issue or issues, and for any and all promotional purposes.”
Thanks for being part of this special edition. We can’t wait to meet your sweetpea!
Entry deadline is Sept 7.