Spotlight on...The Doberman Pinscher
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
The Doberman Pinscher
Size: Large - 60-100 lbs.
Grooming needs: Minimal
Exercise: High needs
Environment: Indoors with Outdoor Exercise
Temperament: Intelligent, lively and very loyal
Life Expectancy: 10-13 yrs.
Interesting fact: Doberman Pinschers, or Dobies, were developed by Louis Dobermann in the 1870s. Though no exact record was kept of the breeds used to create the new breed, we do know that many dogs were crossed with German Pinschers. These include a diverse range from the German Pointer to the Greyhound, as well as non-pedigree dogs.
Appearance: The Doberman has a sleek, powerful appearance. It is a tall, athletic dog with a deep chest and powerful hind quarters. He is black, blue, red or fawn, and sometimes has a white patch on the chest. He has colored markings above the eyes, on the muzzle and throat, plus the chest, legs, feet and tail. The muzzle is somewhat narrow. Many owners or breeders dock (shorten) the tail and crop (cut and set upright) the ears to give the dogs a more fierce appearance.
Personality: This writer had a lot of fun researching this breed and speaking with owners, because I’ve always found the breed’s appearance a bit intimidating. The softer side of Dobies can be seen in the fact that they have been trained as guide dogs for people who are blind. Bred to be a working dog, such as a police or property guard, they have often been portrayed as guard dogs in films and popular media. The original breeder wanted the dog to look aggressive and be aggressive if necessary*. Now the breed is less aggressive than in the past. Dobermans can be very affectionate and loyal companions with people they know well. Dobie owners often report this is the only breed they want to have.
Common Health Problems: Prone to skin ailments and food allergies.
Best Match: Some breeders suggest recommend families with young children may want a more placid breed. This alert guardian needs plenty of opportunities to run and also stimulate their mind. Puppies should be well socialized and trained. The best match for this dog is someone who enjoys training and exercising (a lot!) with their dog. They will be rewarded with a loving, protective companion.
Featured Adoptable: Banjo is a gentleman on leash. His calm energy and playful nature make him a great match for any family. This is one smart boy! He knows how to heel, lay down, shake, and sit nicely for treats. Take him hiking, camping or simply enjoy his company on a beautiful day. He loves it all! This handsome Doberman mix is about 8 years old. He loves people, is great with kids and dogs, but will chase cats (and squirrels!). Might he be exactly what is missing from your home? Banjo recently had surgery 8/20/15 to repair a broken toe. He is recovering well.
For more information
email, or call 541-899-8627
*Alderton, David. The Dog Selector. Barrons, New York: 2010.
Megan Mahan lives in Eugene with her boyfriend, Jacob, their adopted yellow Lab Maddie, many saltwater fish, and two miniature Silver Appleyard ducks, Louie and Olive.