Largest US Cat Show comes to Portland
Cats, exhibitors, judges and vendors will travel from around the US, Europe, and Asia for the CFA International Cat Show presented by Royal Canin Nov 18-19 at the Portland Expo Center. A portion of the proceeds from the show will benefit Cat Adoption Team.
“This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our cat-loving city to experience a cat show of this scale because the location of the
International Show changes almost every year,” said show manager Pam Moser. “This is our big chance to show how cat-crazy Portland really is!”
This is the first time the CFA International Show has been held in the Northwest; highlights include: Moshow “The Cat Rapper,” a Kitty Korral
where show cats are available for pets, play, and selfies; agility and education rings; a catio exhibit; and vendors. Get details at