Local church celebrates DOG

First Presbyterian Church in downtown Portland is hosting a series of events this year to celebrate and explore the human/animal bond. Some events are more festive while others emphasize education, but they all share the goal of providing pet lovers an opportunity to learn, enjoy and connect.

Pooches in the Plaza featuring "Wag and Sniff" welcomes pets and pet lovers May 7, beginning at 9:30am, with World Cup brew for coffee-loving Portlanders, and including dog washes and canine immunizations. Offered will be the three most commonly needed canine immunizations, including rabies, for $25. No animal in need will be turned away for inability to pay.

September through October will be an Animal Art Show, and Sept 30-Oct 1 will be the "Lord God Made Them All" Animal Conference, featuring internationally-acclaimed speakers.

To learn more about these events, contact Oregon Dog PAC, ordogpac@gmail.com, 971-340-3940.