Share the love of reading

Parker gives a tongue's up for the community library at Salty's

Parker gives a tongue's up for the community library at Salty's

Love reading?  Love animal books and tales? Love sharing a good book? 

Pop in to Salty’s Pet Supply (4039 N Mississippi Ave, Ste 104, Portland) and check out the latest (and cutest!) little neighborhood lending library. 

In partnership with Spot, Salty’s library features everything pet!  All sorts of animal-related books including fiction and non-fiction, training manuals, educational volumes, and humorous reads, picture books and just for fun.

Enjoy a great read and return it for others to enjoy. If you have books you’ve taken delight in – spread the joy to someone else!  Drop them off at Salty’s during business hours.   

Do you love telling others about a great read? 

Spot is accepting book reviews to publish in future issues for any of the books from the library. 

It’s easy!

Send 400 words (or so) to

Include your name (and a photo if you like!), the book title, book publisher, and year published.

If you would like a copy of the magazine in which your book review appears, please include your mailing address!

Book reviews are published as space is available. Sending your book review and/or photo to indicates your consent to have one or both published in Spot Magazine.