Posts in Breed Spotlight
West Highland White Terrier — The Westie

West Highland White Terrier — The Westie

Trademark: Westies are said to be the clowns of the dog world because they love to put on a show and are very playful. You may recognize this breed from popular logos, including that of Cesar’s Dog Food.

Personality:  The Westie is spirited, determined and loyal. They are happy little dogs, who make great traveling companions. 

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The Greyhound

The Greyhound

Trademark:  Greyhounds have been bred and used for racing because of their long, powerful legs, deep chest, and slight body, which allow them to reach speeds of up to 45 mph!

Personality: Known for their speed and grace, Greyhounds are also sweet and mild-natured.  They are laid back, gentle and intelligent, and often become deeply attached to one person. Adoptable Greyhounds are often retired racers.

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Australian Shepherd aka Aussie

Australian Shepherd aka Aussie

Interesting Fact: These pups did not actually originate in Australia but in the U.S.

Personality:  The Aussie is highly intelligent, mild mannered, and easily sync up with their people. They are not big barkers or heavy shedders. Especially devoted and protective, the greatest need for this gifted dog is exercise, and they excel in agility and search and rescue.

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The Labrador Retriever

Spotlight on...The Labrador Retriever

Trademark:  Labs were originally used as fishing dogs for the villagers of Newfoundland and developed webbed paws for swimming and two distinct layers of hair - inner short, fuzzy hair for insulation, and longer guard hair for water shedding. The modern breed is still very much a water dog and is one of the most popular dogs in the US.
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The Chihuahua

Spotlight on  . . .  The Chihuahua

Trademark: Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dog

Personality: Despite their size, Chihuahuas are not just an accessory. They need walks and will challenge big dogs. They are curious and courageous, with personality plus! They need consistent training, but will always be your best friend. One issue Chihuahuas may have in family settings is they tend to be preferential of one person and can display jealous behavior toward friends or other family members. This can be averted if they are treated like a dog and not given too many privileges. They can be hyper but mostly want a lot of love time with their humans. 

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