Helping families keep pets and children safe, happy and together
A perennial sight at neighborhood parks in the Northwest is that of dogs and kids at play — sometimes together, sometimes in their respective playgrounds. The Northwest is nothing if not child- and animal-friendly, and many call both two- and four-legged “kids” family.
Unfortunately, many new or expecting families, already overwhelmed with all things baby, miss the importance of preparing their pets for the new arrival. This can result in problems for the animal, the baby and the parents, sometimes including injury, even leading to the relinquishment of the treasured pet to a shelter after years of loving care.
Dogs will be dogs. Running, chasing, digging, and all the things that doggies “doo.” How can you create a yard that stands up to canine wear and tear and is also a great place for friends and barbecues?
The following tips can help you create and maintain a yard that’s good for people, pets, and Mother Nature too.
After months of dark, cold, rainy days, Portlanders have finally begun to enjoy a little sunshine and the great outdoors, something we hold dear.
I began a recent sunny Sunday with an early morning run at Powell Butte Nature Park. I was thrilled to run in the cool morning air, enjoying the sight of Mt. Hood, Adams, and St. Helens. While reveling in the view on my last trip down, my sense of peace was suddenly shattered.
The conditions of spring and summer promote the growth of harmful algae blooms in lakes and other standing bodies of water.
Waters affected by blooms — which often look like scum or foam and not actual “blooms” — pose a serious risk to dogs, and in fact have taken canine lives in the Northwest every year since the first reported case in 2009.
We’ve seen the sad fate of many family pets in recent tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina and the Haiti earthquake. During disasters, many pets become lost, scared and separated from their families. Animal shelters, when available at all, quickly become overfilled and locating and/or identifying a pet can become a huge concern. The recent devastation from the Japan earthquake and tsunami served as yet another reminder to consider our own pet emergency preparedness.