Meet Your 2013 Willamette Valley Cover Models

Jackson is our winner!
Scroll down to meet them all!
Cover Model 411
NAME: Jackson Brownsville Waring was named by his mom and is a play on words combining his first home in Brownsville, and his mom's favorite singer, Jackson Brown ϑ
AGE: Jax’s birth certificate says he was born April 24, 2008, but we celebrate his “Homecoming” on June 21st, when we rescued him from the window of the puppy store.
BREED: Australian Sheppard as far as his pet parents know.
PACK: Mom, Kathleen M. Rienhardt-Waring, Dad, Bradley T. Waring. Jackson is a first and only child, and is indulged and spoiled accordingly. He tends to be the center of attention wherever he goes, but he thinks he may like a brother or sister one day soon.
STOMPING GROUNDS: Jackson lives in Eugene, but he gets around. He loves the Coast and goes nearly every weekend. In foul weather he goes to the mountains to swim and hike. Several days each week he goes to “school” at Dogs@Play in Eugene, or Best Friends in Corvallis.
LOVES: He loves his daily walks with his Mom to the park. Frisbee is his favorite sport, and he plays every day. Hiking to the beach with his backpack full of frisbees and treats is even better!! Jackson loves people, and not only likes to go to the vet, but especially loves his groomer Cheryl at We Suds ‘Em.
DOESN’T LOVE: Pesky Squirrels, Milkbones, and sadly, Santa Claus terrifies him.
SPECIAL NOTES: Jackson is an official Canine Good Citizen and Certified Pet Partner with his Mom Kathleen.
Pets and their people entered Spot's Cover Model Search at events all last Spring and Summer. Winner, Jackson, graces this month's cover. All the other beauties who entered are featured here.

Kids from the Thurston area of Springfield drawing the winner. Left to Right: Danielle, 9 (holding 7-toed kitten), Bryson, 2 (drawing), & Jackson, 5.