Take MAX to the Dash!


The Doggie Dash, is Saturday May 11th, from 7:30 am – 1:00 pm at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland.  TriMet is helping people get to the event quickly and conveniently — along with their best friends.   

There are a few rules to follow:

·         Dogs are allowed on Trimet MAX trains only.

·         Dogs ride free but humans over the age of six must have a valid fare to ride.

·         Dogs must use the rear car of a two-car train only.

·         Dogs must be under the owner’s control (leash or crate) at all times.

·         Dogs must wear a muzzle or Gentle Leader-type head collar, as well as current ID tags.

·         Dogs are only allowed on MAX until 2:00 p.m.

For more information about ticket prices, MAX schedules and trip planning, visit TriMet.org.

For information about taking TriMet to the Doggie Dash, visit www.oregonhumane.org/doggiedash/parking