Local photographer receives international support

Kristin Zabawa, a Portland-based photographer, uses her skills to capture the powerful final moments between humans and animals before the beloved pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge. Zabawa provides what she calls “SoulSessions” free of charge as a gift to her community. In need of updated equipment, she recently turned to crowdfunding, and was surprised to receive support from as far away as Vietnam, Peru and Germany, with several UK sites picking up her story. Zabawa is using the popular Indiegogo site for her campaign, and says she has been grateful for the support. 

In addition to updating her equipment, Zabawa hopes to create a nonprofit that will allow her to do “SoulSessions” full-time. “For me, it's almost like a meditative practice," says Kristin. "I just open myself up to the moment and accept what's presented.” Her fundraising campaign continues through June 7.