Get your costume ready Fetch, Events, Pet BizSpot MagazineAugust 1, 2018Event, Cats, Vancouver, FundraiserComment
Ready, Set, Go! Animal Welfare, Events, Feature, Life with PetsSpot MagazineMay 1, 2018Walk/Run, Events, FundraiserComment
Celebrate Halloween with Willamette Humane Events, Fetch, Life with PetsSpot MagazineOctober 1, 2017Events, Halloween, Willamette Humane Society, FundraiserComment
HSSW gala goes down the rabbit hole Animal Welfare, Events, FetchSpot MagazineOctober 1, 2017Events, Fundraiser, Humane Society for SW WashingtonComment
Don’t miss WillaMutt Strut Fetch, Events, Life with PetsSpot MagazineJune 1, 2017Walk/Run, Fundraiser, Willamette Humane Society, SalemComment
Ready, Set, Go! Animal Welfare, Events, Pet BizSpot MagazineApril 22, 2017Events, Walk/Run, FundraiserComment
30th annual Doggie Dash is May 13th Animal Welfare, Events, FeatureSpot MagazineApril 1, 2017Events, OHS, Doggie Dash, FundraiserComment
Retired Racers: The Greyhound Calendar 2017 Animal Welfare, FetchSpot MagazineOctober 8, 2016Greyhounds, FundraiserComment
Local Cat Rescue to Host “My Fair Kitty” Dinner and Auction Animal Welfare, Events, Fetch, Pet BizSpot MagazineAugust 9, 2016Events, cats, Vancouver, FundraiserComment
Wallet cards alert responders if pets are home alone Animal Welfare, Fetch, Life with Pets, Pet Biz, SafetySpot MagazineAugust 1, 2016Emergency Preparedness, FundraiserComment