TNR: The Relentless Work of Saving Lives Animal Welfare, Central Oregon, Feature, Health/Wellness, spay neuter programs, stray and feral cats, TNR, Willamette ValleyMichelle BlakeNovember 1, 2019TNR, Features, Spay & Neuter, Feral cats, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley, Willamette Humane Society, Meow Village, CAFA, Feral Cat CoalitionComment
Celebrate Halloween with Willamette Humane Events, Fetch, Life with PetsSpot MagazineOctober 1, 2017Events, Halloween, Willamette Humane Society, FundraiserComment
Don’t miss WillaMutt Strut Fetch, Events, Life with PetsSpot MagazineJune 1, 2017Walk/Run, Fundraiser, Willamette Humane Society, SalemComment
Public Invited to Humaneitarian Awards Ceremony on April 15 Animal Welfare, EventsSpot MagazineApril 10, 2015Event, Awards, Salem, Willamette Humane SocietyComment