Room to Roam Animal Welfare, Feature, Life with PetsSpot MagazineAugust 1, 2018Cats, Wildlife, Catio Tour, EventComment
Get your costume ready Fetch, Events, Pet BizSpot MagazineAugust 1, 2018Event, Cats, Vancouver, FundraiserComment
Paws for Celebration supports St. Martin’s Rescue Animal Welfare, Events, FetchSpot MagazineApril 1, 2017Rescue, Event, St. Martins Animal RescueComment
Recycling – It's a Northwest Thing Animal WelfareSpot MagazineJune 18, 2016Event, Cats, VancouverComment
Let the Games Begin! Animal Welfare, Events, Feature, Life with PetsSpot MagazineJune 1, 2016Event, Dogs, AdoptablesComment
Cats on stage like you’ve never seen Animal Welfare, Fetch, Pet BizSpot MagazineJune 1, 2016Cats, Event, Rescuer Comment
Retail + Pets + Community = L♥VE Feature, Events, Life with Pets, Pet BizSpot MagazineApril 1, 2016EventComment
Raise the ‘WOOF’ Events, Animal Welfare, Feature, Health/Wellness, Pet Biz, Willamette ValleySpot MagazineApril 1, 2016Event, Willamette Valley, Spay & Neuter, Low Income, DogsComment
Eugene fun run/walk for the pets Animal Welfare, Events, FetchSpot MagazineApril 1, 2016Willamette Valley, Walk/Run, Event, FundraiserComment