Pdx is raining cats and . . . more cats

Long celebrated as one of the dog-lovingest cities in the nation, Portland might soon lead the rankings for being feline-friendly as well. Businesses such as Cats in the City have been joined by Mittens Motel, Meow Haus, Purrington’s Café, Pounce Play and Stay in March, and a second location for Cats in the City in April.

Touted as a "deluxe cat hotel," guests at Pounce Play and Stay, located at 2808 NE MLK Blvd, enjoy a rotating schedule of play time, brushing, and snuggles, and custom mini-condos outfitted with toys, heated beds, custom scratching structures and music and videos designed for cats’ comfort and entertainment. Pounce also offers in-home care and dog walking in NE and NW Portland, and is currently seeking new members for its team. Learn more in a future issue of Spot, and at pounceplayandstay.com.

Cats in the City, which originally opened in 2007 in Sellwood, is celebrating a second location at 415 NE 80th Ave in NE Portland. The newest space boasts a catio, a 125-gallon aquarium, a grand staircase converted into a 2-story playhouse (“The Mountaineer Room”) featuring windows, landings and steps, and plumbed fountains to please a kitty’s love of drinking from faucets. The 4,000 square-foot resort offers 22 furnished guest rooms with private beds, windows, cubbies, towers, stairs, and perches. The medical-grade floors and air scrubbers.

Services include play and cuddle time, and calming music and television. Learn more at catsinthecity.com