42 Rules to Fight Canine Cancer
by Aimee Quemuel
Aimee Quemuel wrote this book to pool the collective knowledge of dog owners and provide hope. The book is full of stories of dogs with cancer that lived well beyond their prognoses with the help of holistic and/or conventional treatments. The author’s own beloved Golden Retriever, Cody, lived past his “few day” prognosis to 519 days and passed away at 12 years, 7 months, a ripe old age for a large dog.
Cancer — the one word that evokes fear and universal anxiety. The one word no one is ever fully prepared to hear. This dreaded disease affects too many humans and pets alike. And when it comes to our beloved animals, it’s the one diagnosis that alarming statistics show account for nearly half of all disease-related pet deaths.
2 Dogs 2,000 Miles
People used to keep diaries. Then they journaled. Now we blog. When it comes to pet blogs, many feature stories that are funny, educational, and chock-full of pictures. Spot’s Blog Report will bring you pet blogs that piqued our interest and we believe you’ll enjoy.
Dogs’ lives shine too briefly. It is unfair, heart-wrenching and unfortunately inevitable. For those of us whose furry “kids” are our constant, we struggle to accept that our lives with our dogs will end this way. Harder still is accepting when a beloved companion is lost way before it should’ve been time. Losing a dog in his/her prime is just WRONG, says Cera (“Sear-uh”) Reusser, who is still ticked off three years later.
This the story of Cera and Chase. A hero’s tale.