Cat Named Andy Shares “Deep Thoughts” in Portland, Oregon Life with PetsSpot MagazineAugust 8, 2018Cats, CAT Adoption Team, Celebrity, Social MediaComment
Survey says cat parents are photo happy-est Fetch, Life with PetsSpot MagazineApril 1, 2016Cats, Social MediaComment
Get your Meow! on Book Review, Fetch, Life with Pets, Pet BizSpot MagazineSeptember 30, 2015Cats, Social Media, CelebrityComment
Shelter animals win big at Oscars Animal Welfare, Fetch, Events, Pet BizSpot MagazineApril 1, 2014Celebrity, Social MediaComment
CVRC now on Facebook, Twitter Fetch, Animal Welfare, Pet BizSpot MagazineOctober 1, 2013Social MediaComment
When social media and animal rescue collide … good things happen Animal Welfare, Feature, Life with Pets, Pet BizNikki Jardin - Spot MagazineAugust 1, 2013Rescue, Rescue/Shelter, Social Media, AdoptionComment
June is national Adopt a Cat Month Kathy Covey - PR Manager at CATJune 1, 2012Cats, Adoption, Social Media, Animal ShelterComment